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Page 10

  When the elevator door opened, he didn’t waste any time. He picked me up into his arms and carried me through the living room and into his bedroom. With one arm around me and the other hand yanking back the covers, we remained kissing. He then lowered me onto the bed and started lifting my shirt off over me. I parted, just long enough to get it off over my head, then went back in for the kiss.

  Between kisses, he asked if I was sure I wanted this. I broke away, only leaving a gap to give him my answer. “I need this,” I murmured. I started undoing his shirt, while our lips reconnected. It appeared he needed it, too. He tore his lips from mine and wandered down to my stomach, where he kissed me tenderly, causing me to moan with each trace of his tongue. He then grabbed onto my leggings and drug them down my body. I was wet and aching for him. While he slid my pants down, I tried kicking off my shoes, succeeding but barely in the nick of time. He pulled off my leggings and socks, then slid his hands up my legs. I shivered and watched his every move. He wandered back up me and he started kissing my chin, then nibbling gently along my jaw bone. I blindly reached out and undid his pants. While he slid his lips to my neck, he helped by kicking out of his pants. His shoes were long discarded.

  He wrapped his hands around my back and I arched my back off the bed, giving him room to tug at the clasp of my bra. He got it off with ease and flung it to the floor. My breasts sighed with relief as they were ready for whatever he wanted to do next. I grabbed at his boxers, desperate to feel his cock again. He again had to help me, by positioning himself and leaving the room. His hands went to my panties and with one quick swoop, he pulled them off.

  As we laid naked, he broke from my neck to look deep into my eyes. There was a moment of recognition, where it seemed to dawn on him that this was where we always needed to be. I smiled at him, then wrapped my arm around him and pulled him down to me. We kissed, forgetting all those silly rules and just letting go. There was some sensual guiding of his lips from mine to my chin, to my neck, down my chest, and my moans were like the road map to where he needed to go.

  I was losing all cognitive thoughts as he kissed me, not missing a drop of my skin. His kisses wandered back up my body until he started tediously nipping on my earlobe. My thighs pressed together, as a moment of sheer pleasure erupted over my body. My hands fell to the bed and grabbed onto the sheets, digging my nails deep into the satin covers.

  His lips fell to my neck and he gently kissed me, flicking his tongue against my sensitive skin. I lifted my right arm and wrapped it around his body as my hands slid up his back and held him closer to me. His muscles were rippled and I touched him with longing and everlasting desire.

  His mouth fell to the space between my breasts and I moaned with desire. I felt the wetness moving along, urging me to gasp for air. The need was so strong that I could barely hold myself together, while he clung to my body. He latched onto each breast with a kiss, avoiding my nipples as he devoured my breasts, sucking them loudly and gathering the eager cries from me. My nipples were so hard, anxiously wanting him to lavish them with love.

  He did just that. His tongue flicked out, touching my left nipple and I felt a sensation of relief, wrapping around the pain that was there in a few seconds earlier. Then he turned his mouth onto the other one, flicking against that hard peak and leaving me smoothly moving underneath his body.

  When the tremors started in my body, I was ready to go, but so shocked at the way it happened and how quickly he had me heated up. I thrust my hips up to him to show that I was frantic for him, but he started licking and sucking my nipples, and I fell back against the bed and tried to be patient.

  When he tugged on my nipple, slipping it out of his mouth, I hoped we were ready to get lost in orgasmic bliss. He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and went back to kissing me, thrusting his tongue into my mouth.

  My legs spread wider, almost on instinct as I felt his cock against my thigh. My hips lifted up from the bed, to grind against him and seeking out his erection. I watched him, gaping at him as he positioned himself between my legs. I tossed my head back and grabbed onto the bed sheets, knowing that this was exactly what I’ve been waiting for for the past three years. The head of his shaft bobbed at my slit, causing me to buck my hips up against him once more. Then he entered me. His considerable girth moved in slowly and I gasped as my walls clenched onto him with a sigh of pleasure.

  Then he began to move with precision, going slowly, then starting to speed up. He slid all the way out, then all the way back in. His torturous thrusts had me on fire as I wrapped my arms around him and dug my nails into his back, screaming with pleasure.

  On cue, my legs wrapped around his body and we started to rock together as we gathered momentum. I heard him groan, signaling his climax and his thrusts became more vital. I reached down and grabbed onto his ass, mentally stating I wanted him to go faster and faster, to which he did. I could feel on the highest of ledges, ready to climax and his grunts were more frantic, moving in time with my hips and I gyrated against him even harder, thrashing my hips against his as I jumped over the edge. It was more like I was pushed over the edge.

  No sooner had this all taken place, I heard him give one last groan and then move in one last time, gushing his hot seed into me, spurt after spurt. I let out a guttural scream, one that had his name intertwined and we came together, making the last three years worth the wait. We collapsed on the bed, spent and wrapped up in each other's arms, with his manhood still resting inside of me.

  His lips touched mine and we began to kiss again, needing something to still hold onto, while we rocked together, not wanting to break the connection. I’m not sure how long we’d been held in that position when he ran his hand down my back and held me close. He looked into my eyes and all I saw was pure unadulterated love. I felt it and so did he. There was no going back from this feeling. He looked at me with that sexy grin I’ve come to recognize and said those words. “I love you, Charity.”

  I felt so many emotions after hearing that and I couldn’t think of anywhere else I would rather have been in that moment. I ran my hand up and touched the nape of his neck, then softly brushed a kiss on his lips, letting it ring with passion and longing, then parted and he opened his eyes and smiled down on me. “I love you, Nolan Baxter.” And nothing could be more perfect.


  Six months later



  is hand was in mine as we drove through the countryside. I looked up at him, curious as to where we were going. “You don’t want to give me a hint?” I asked.

  He laughed. “Ummmmm…no. Not really.”

  I groaned and leaned back in my seat. For the past two months, we had been in London settling a big account. The outcome was far more superior than we expected. Not only did we seal the deal, but Nolan and I grew closer as a couple. My life with him was perfect and when he asked me to go somewhere with him, no matter how confused I was, I was all for it. I would go anywhere with him. I just didn’t know it would take me an hour away from the office that we both worked in, but he was the boss and missing the afternoon was clearly not something we needed to worry about.

  He turned down another road, this time taking us into more of a suburban landscape. Houses and houses lined up the street until we hit a dead end and he pulled into a long and winding driveway. “Meeting a client?” I asked, still having this utter case of confusion inside of me.

  “Uh…no!” He laughed and stopped his car when the driveway couldn’t take us any further. He turned off his car, then opened up the door and got out. He walked around and opened my door, as I couldn’t take my eyes off of the house. The house looked to be about ten stories high. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration, but it definitely was big. I would compare it to something like the White House. “Are you coming?” he asked, chuckling.

  “Oh yeah,” I said. I slid out of the car and he grabbed my hand and shut the door behind me. When we got up to the front
door, I watched him fishing in his pocket, until he pulled out a key. I watched him unlock the door and I looked up at him. “You have a key?” I asked.

  He chuckled. “It will all become clearer. I promise.” He ran his finger over my chin and lifted me up into a kiss. I would trust that. We got inside and I was taken back. This place was bigger than my house by at least ten sizes. I didn’t understand when he took me on a tour of the place. I kept tossing out reasons why he would do that and he would just laugh and say that I wasn’t even close. It was a game that I was losing and badly.

  I was completely mesmerized by each room, considering that the people that lived there had to be at least gazillionaires. When we got to another room, he paused dramatically. “And this…would be our bedroom.”

  I turned to him, gawking in his direction. “Our what?” I asked.

  He laughed heartily and nodded. “This would be OUR bedroom.” He then had this silly grin on his face, like he was a schoolboy that had a secret. “Do you like it?”

  I turned around and looked at his bedroom, a room that was more like the size of a football field, then turned back to him. “I don’t understand.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Okay…I’ll lay it out to you. I bought this place for us. Do you like it?”

  My jaw dropped and I stared at him, sure that he was only teasing. But the facts lined up, no matter how shocking they were. “This is going to be our place.”

  He waved the keys. “This is our place.”

  We had talked about me moving into the Penthouse, but I was more cautious than anything. I was tentative about taking that leap into a place that has always been his and I knew it would be a major change for everyone. I never dreamed he would run out and by us our own home.

  I looked up at him and thoughts were running rampant in my mind. “I just can’t believe it.”

  He gave me a concerned look. “But do you like it?” he asked.

  I slowly shook my head and his eyes widened. Concern turned to genuine fear until I said the words. “I love it!”

  He grinned and pulled me into a hug. I felt like I was on cloud nine and had no idea it would only get better. When he pulled away from the hug, he looked directly in my eyes. “Charity, I never knew love until you came into my life. I never longed for companionship, until it was there. You have made me want to be a better person. I love you with all of my heart and seriously can’t imagine spending another day without you.” I watched as he got down on one knee. I felt like a girl having her fairy tale coming true. He reached into his pocket and withdrew the small box. I was weak just watching him go through the motions. We opened the box, I stared back at a diamond that would out rank the Queen’s. “Charity Wilcox, will you please do me the great honor of marrying me?”

  Nothing could top the emotions that ran through me. Tears sprung to my eyes and every bit of my being was screaming out my answer. “Yes, Nolan! I would love to marry you!” He smiled, slipping the ring out of the box and onto my finger. When he lifted me into his arms we kissed. This was our very own bedroom, with my very own Prince. It was all a dream come true!

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  he numbers on my computer screen were like one big blur. I yawned and shook my head, trying to get my mind to focus again, but still it was as if they all just wanted to run together. “Seriously?” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and looking back at the screen.

  I didn’t think this day would ever end and I still had five minutes to go. It was as if time somehow was moving backwards. Not that that was possible. I stifled a yawn, when I spotted my boss, Jackson walking up to my desk.

  “Hey!” I said, quickly looking away from the numbers and looked up at him.

  Without acknowledging a greeting, he was quick to tell me why he was there. “I need the spreadsheet by the end of the day tomorrow, is that going to be a problem?” he asked. He had this way of always giving a stern look to someone, but yet doing it in a sort of charming way. It was annoying.

  “Of course not,” I quickly said. “I’m just about done.” I smiled at him and he nodded and walked away. I watched him head to his office, go in, and shut the door. I turned back to the computer screen, where the daunting task of putting the spreadsheet together with all the monetary profits for the previous month down on the spreadsheet. It wouldn’t be a problem, if I could focus enough not to fall asleep..

  I glanced at the clock, just as it turned over to 4:30. I breathed a sigh of relief, saved the information, and logged out of the system. The rest would have to wait until tomorrow.

  Working as a bookkeeper was a dull job, to say the least. Every day I came into work thinking about how I wish I went to a more exciting place to work, but it paid the bills, so I kept coming back. I grabbed my purse and hurried away from my desk, always on the quick escape to make sure I didn’t get stopped by anyone that could detain me even a few minutes.

  I got out of the building and was in my car in five minutes flat. I rolled down the window, so the summer heat could filter into my car and backed out of the parking spot.

  I had been in the same job since graduating high school seven years ago. I always believed there was something better out there for me, but finding it was something I never took the initiative to take on. Perhaps because I didn’t value change in the way I should. Or, the thought of seeking out some other career choice was intimidating and working in my current employment was safe, no need to worry about failure. Whatever the reason, I remained there and now found myself longing for adventure and something new in my life.

  I pulled into my driveway and parked the car. I got out of the car and grabbed my keys out of my purse, while heading up to the front door. At the door, I reached into the mailbox and retrieved the mail. I unlocked the door and got inside, then dropped my purse and keys on a table by the door, while taking my mail into the kitchen.

  Not swaying from my usual routine, I dropped the mail onto the kitchen counter and looked in my freezer and cabinets to find something for lunch. I settled on a frozen dinner and took it out of the freezer, removed the necessary coverings, then tossed it in the microwave.

  It was true, I currently led a very dull and boring life. I wondered when it all turned that way, because I used to feel more alive and now I felt like I was just walking around on autopilot.

  I went to the counter and grabbed the pile of mail, surely to find more bills than anything. As I looked through each one, I tossed the bills to the side, and then found one that was different in nature. The retun label was addressed, Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Decker.

  One of my best friends was Courtney, so I opened it up and a card with a picture of a teddy bear came out of the envelope. “Join us in celebrating Joey’s 1st birthday,” I read. I groaned as I finished reading it, including the time, date, and a few examples of things Joey needed. It had everything, but how I could get out of it without hurting anyone’s feelings.

tossed the car down on the counter and thought about how much I did not want to go to the party, mainly because I was tired of going places that I didn’t belong. Most of the time these types of outings would be adoring parents, awesome couples, and energetic kids and I highly doubted this would be any different.

  I didn’t belong to any of that. I was always the loner in crowds like this. I didn’t have a kid, so I was the only being looked down upon and I didn’t have a boyfriend, so I wasn’t able to have someone share in the pain with me. There was nothing about the birthday party that had me excited. Yet, he was my best friend’s son and she wouldn’t have invited me if she didn’t want me there. I enjoyed hanging out with them, but this was going to be different and I wasn’t sure I was up for that.

  As my frozen dinner went off in the microwave, my cellphone started ringing. I answered it. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Bryn, it’s Courtney.”

  I went over to the microwave and pulled my dinner out, then removed the plastic to cool it down. “Hey,” I said, putting on a cheery voice. “Just thinking about you.”

  “Uh oh…hope that’s a good thing.” Courtney laughed on the other end. I chuckled and didn’t bother answering one way or another, so Courtney continued. “Just calling to see if you got the invite for Joey’s party.”

  Figured just as much. Leave it to Courtney to already wanting to get this planned super quick, couldn’t even wait for the RSVP to come through. “Yeah! I’m looking at it right now actually,” I said. I grabbed it and put it on the refrigerator. I knew very well that I wouldn’t be able to get out of it and I didn’t even know if I wanted to. Joey would only turn one once and I felt kind of bad that I was trying to find a way to ditch the party. “Just got it in the mail today,” I stated.